Fantasy Premier League


Well-Known Member
For those who are interested I started a Fantasy Football mini league on the old site.

I know lot of people on here are already in the league.

But for anybody that isn't and wants to join use the link below



Well-Known Member
I might sign up and give it a go.

I haven’t played for years, as it became very time consuming keeping up with it every week.

Anybody else playing?


Well-Known Member
I might sign up and give it a go.

I haven’t played for years, as it became very time consuming keeping up with it every week.

Anybody else playing?
Think there is already a good few in it from the old site.

Everybody welcome to join. The more the merrier, well so they say anyway


Well-Known Member
What’s the deal with transfers?

Do you get one free transfer every week?

Then 2 the following week if you save it?


Well-Known Member
8th place out of 11 at the World Cup break for me.

Every time I think I have a good week, everyone else seems to do even better!


Well-Known Member
I'm doing world cup fantasy league on the fifa site league name orchardfans code to join 0NPM3WA1 if anyone wants to join